vast majority of heterosexual male cross dressers. Clearly there are other related patterns and other types of life styles. But for true straight TVs I believe that the sociological factors adequate- ly explain the behaviour.

Of course it needs to be point- ed out that the appeal of the other explanations lies in the fact that they put the matter beyond our control and therefore be- yond our responsibility. The so- ciological explanation, however, recognizes that factors in society provide the temptation by segre- gating our masculine from our feminine selves, but does leave open the matter of responsibility We cannot lay it off on some- body or something else. We cross dress because we not only like and enjoy it but because it brings a big payoff, and I am not refer- ring to the sexual element, but to the rediscovering of a part of our own true selves and an op- portunity thereby of achieving an escape from the pressures of one side of ourselves - our daily life by embracing another part of ourselves, a part that does not struggle under those pressures. That relaxation is the payoff that makes us continue to do it even at great cost to ourselves. Plea- sure is its own reward.


Having mentioned sex just above, it is incumbent on me to speak a little further about it lest I be accused of avoiding the issue or trying to slide over it surrepticiously. There can be no denying that sexual release is pleasurable, nor can it be denied that there are many types of stimuli that result in sexual arou- sal. Once a penis has become erect as it does promptly under appropriate stimuli either physi- cally or mentally, there are only

two ways of getting it to subside. One is to become frightened of discovery, attack, or other conse- quences and the other is to mas- turbate it into relaxation. Since to boys, and particularly adoles- cent boys, anything having to do with girls is erotically arrousing it is hardly suprising that actual contact with intimate apparel such as lingerie or highly specific items such as high heels serves to turn them on. So cross dressing almost has to result in erection and the consequent masturbation to release it. This is so common in TV histories that the profess- ionals come to the conclusion that that is WHY it is done. And in early years the TV may think so too but as he gets a little older and the opportunity to dress

may become more frequent and of longer duration he will prob- ably discover that the act of go- ing through the wall or the op- portunity to play with his red cards, (to recall both the pre- vious metaphors) is such an additional pleasure that sexual arrousal may take a back seat. That is the pleasure of BEING A GIRL comes to consciousness and often overrides the sexual pleasure. So physical eroticism doesn't die out it is just sub- merged in psychological pleasure and satisfaction.

So now with this introduction to the subject of causes of TVism you can now fight it out among yourselves.




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